UQ Robotics!


  1. 27-Feb:   Introduction
  2. 1-Mar:   Systems Overview
  3. 6-Mar:   Signals & Signal Models
  4. 8-Mar:   System Models
  5. 13-Mar:   Linear Dynamical Systems
  6. 15-Mar:   Sampling & Data Acquisition
  7. 20-Mar:   Time Domain Analysis of Continuous Time Systems
  8. 22-Mar:  System Behaviour & Stability
  9. 27-Mar:   Signal Representation (Pop Quiz 1) 29-Mar:   Holiday!

  10. 10-Apr:   Frequency Response & Fourier Transforms
  11. 12-Apr:   z-Transform
  12. 17-Apr:   Noise & Filtering
  13. 19-Apr:   Analog Filters
  14. 24-Apr:   Discrete-Time Signals
  15. 26-Apr:   Discrete-Time Systems
  16. 1-May:   Digital Filters (IIR/FIR Systems)
  17. 3-May:   Fourier Transform & DTFT    Q & A -- Filters and Convolution
  18. 8-May:   Introduction to Digital Control  (Pop Quiz 2)
  19. 10-May:   Stability of Digital Systems
  20. 15-May:   Digital Control: Lead/Lag & PID
  21. 17-May:   Digital Control Part II: Direct Design and Stability (slides 25-30, updated May 21, slide 50 updated June 6)
  22. 22-May:   State-Space
  23. 24-May:  Controllability & Observability
  24. 29-May:   More State Space / Information Theory & Communications
  25. 31-May:   Summary and Course Review  [Revised June 3]
The lectures may be downloaded in PowerPoint format.
Please remember they are ©(BY-NC-SA) and, of course, we would like your feedback and to know where they're being used.

Please refer comments & questions to: elec3004@itee.uq.edu.au

© 2013, Robotics Design Lab / School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering at The University of Queensland
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License (BY-NC-SA)